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HomeSurvey Response

VOBA 2019 Survey Page 1 of 8

Survey Response - Preamble
The Velocity Owners and Builders Association had its five year anniversary in 2018.  We have a great newsletter and a wiki.  We have an active forum.  There are 257 active members.  VOBA plans the annual Oshkosh Velocity dinner.  In the past year we saw the introduction of VOBA webinars.

If you have been around long enough, or read the past issues of Velocity Views, you will recall the Velocity Factory used to have a regular Open House.  They also planned a communal velocity flying vacation.  The factory would also plan to attend regional fly-ins.  These were wonderful opportunities to fly somewhere, meet and get to know other Velocity people.   Unfortunately, things have changed and the factory is no longer able to do these things.

VOBA is a volunteer organization.  Our presence is largely online.  We have had ideas that might improve the Velocity News and build camaraderie and community.  Going into 2019 we would like to ask the membership to take a few minutes to complete our survey.  We really want to know what you would like VOBA to be.